Dominik Kemmer
Dominik Kemmer, M.A. (Philosophy) & M.Sc. (Psychology)
Research Interests
- Psychological flexibility in the field of work and organizational psychology
- Since 10/2020 Doctoral candidate at the Chair for Work and Organizational Psychology, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
- 2020: Master of Science, Psychology, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Master thesis: “Psychological Flexibility and Mind Wandering – Predicting Task Performance over Time and Well-Being by the Duration and Functionality of Mind Wandering, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Cornelia Niessen)
- 2018: Bachelor of Science, Psychology, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Bachelor thesis: “Entwurf einer wirkungszielspezifischen integrativen Meta-Theorie zur Stressforschung – Darstellung der Theorie und Veranschaulichung am Beispiel der Emotionsregulation in der sozialen Bewertungssituation des Trier Sozial Stress Tests”, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Nicolas Rohleder)
- 2015: Master of Arts, Philosophy, Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen (Master Thesis: “Wittgenstein’s “On Certainty” in Anwendung auf Debunking”, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Sattig)
- 2012: Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy and Economics, University of Bayreuth (Bachelor thesis: “Looking back – On a So-Called Paradox”, Supervisor: PD. Dr. Gordian Haas)
Professional Positions
- 10/2020-09/2024 Research associate at the Chair for Work and Organizational Psychology, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
- Since 03/2020 Consultant (Freelancer) at Blackbox/Open
- 10/2017-07/2018 Intern at the Institute for Psychoanalysis (DPG) Nuremberg-Regensburg (IPNR)
- Since 10/2015 Research associate at the Institute for Nursing Research, Gerontology and Ethics of the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg. Projects: miiConsent (BMBF, 2018-2020); Ethical Monitoring for ROMSOC (European Industrial Doctorate Program (EID); Marie Sklodoska-Curie Action H2020 Program, European Union, 2018-2020); Powergrasp (BMBF, 2015-2018), guest lecturer for ethical case discussions in the Master of Science “Advanced Nursing Practice” (since 2018)
- 10/2014-09/2015 Research assistant for the course “Conversational Competence” in Virtual Rhetoric at the Eberhard-Karls-University of Tübingen
- 08/2012-10/2012 Intern in Change Management, Ketchum Pleon, Munich
- 04/2012-09/2012 Student assistant for the course “Writing and Presenting” at the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Bayreuth
- 02/2010-09/2010 Student assistant at the Center for Theological Ethics and Anthropology, University of Bayreuth
- 10/2009-02/2010 Student assistant for the lecture “Mikroökonomie I” at the Chair of Economics IV-Microeconomics (Prof. Dr. Stefan Napel), University of Bayreuth
- 10/2023-11/2024: In advanced training “Psychodynamic Coaching, Team Supervision and Organizational Consulting ” IPOM Institute for Psychodynamic Organizational Consulting Munich
- 10/2020-03/2023: Further training as an individual psychological counselor and supervisor (DGIP)
- 2020: Certification as coordinator for ethics counseling in healthcare (competence level K2; Academy for Ethics in Medicine)
- 09/2019-09/2020: Chair of Work and Organizational Psychology, Friedrich-Alexander-Universitär Erlangen-Nürnberg: Certificate course and further training “Counseling and coaching for the world of work – integrative, practice-oriented, evidence-based”
- 03/2017-04/2018: Center for Communication-Information-Education, Nuremberg Hospital: Distance learning course “Consultant for Ethics in Healthcare”